

Calum’s List Is Adding A New Dimension

& A New Bespoke Address Is being Bought

To Help People With Disabilities

This new direction of travel for our Calum’s List website is clarified on our front page and seeks a public inquiry into welfare reform deaths. In addition we are asking the new prime minister, Sir Keir Starmer to include in that inquiry, VOLUNTARY work opportunities for people with disabilities.

The current structure of welfare reform contains such harsh compulsion as making disabled people homeless if they do not get a job.

We believe that model is cruelly counter-productive. It does not work and it causes people to take their own lives (between 60 welfare reform deaths an 81,140). When just one death is sufficient to institute police action.

Calum on Duty

^^ Calum ~ Before Disability Hit ^^

Calum Did NOT Start This Website

But The Founder of This Website, Mick Moore Died.

Calum Wants To Continue This Website

As Mick Saved Calum’s Life.

Following the death of Mick Moore and the loss of Phil, this website was set to be a memorial to our 60 friends and family. However, Calum is the person who asked a simple question about welfare reform deaths on Mick’s website 12 years ago.

Given the welfare reform deaths still continue after all these years, the team here have indicated indicated that NEW PREMISES are being purchased to further the aims currently on page 1 (click here).

Until We Have The New Calum’s List Office Open

Please Can Readers With News Contact

A Person We Trust Implicitly…

Mr John Pring

Click Here

John is completely SEPARATE from Calum’s List

But as much of what we are aiming to remedy is also covered by John, we recommend folk consider calling John Pring if they have an important disability news matter to discuss.

The team here are avid readers of John Pring’s Disability News Service and will respond if John highlights any life/death matter.

However, until the purchase of the new premises for Calum’s List are completed, we will just be adding a phone number. Though please rest assured, things are going to improve with respect to disability.


Calum’s List

Waking Up After A Sabbatical!

Please note this website is run by people who have disabilities and are often in hospital for extended periods. We shall make best efforts to reply promptly. But if we take a little longer please be forgiving of the delay. Many thanks.

Update: Apologies, but our main subscriber has been hospitalised. The remaining three here at Calum’s List are just holding on and struggling with various disabilities. This site is now remaining as a memorial to the friends who have died as  result of welfare reforms brought in during 2010,

We are now arranging to secure a small office from which to base this entity and a part-time administrator to progress the campaigning element of this website….

To find a better way where disabled people can stop dying prematurely.

Where disabled people can be helped back into work.

There has to be a better way.

As of June 2024, the last remaining person that had anything to do with this memorial website is currently in and out of hospital like a yo-yo. The old adage: “never take an old dog to the vets” applies in the case of Calum.

So, in the meantime for if/when the last of the list~makers returns, we cannot commend highly enough  the hard work and dogged determination of John Pring of the Disability Nes Service. John genuinely deserves an honour such as an O.B.E., for his tireless work to reduce the number of Welfare Reform Deaths. From our lot at Calum’s List, a heartfelt thankyou for all of your efforts John.

To read the very latest news from this honourable and decent person’s website for further and regularly updated information.

Disability News Service

(Calum’s List Numbers: Click Here)

Main Disability News Service Website

Click Here