Tragedies 46 to 60

Please note this list is compiled by either family or friends of the bereaved, or disabled people on the edge. Our main message for these pages is:-




Michael “Mick” Moore

Mick – known as Nelson started www.dwpexamination.org to help hundreds, probably thousands of people with disabilities.

In 2012, when Calum posted his worry about whether Paul Reekie was “the only one” who appeared to have succumbed to welfare reform death, a list started. With alarm, many people came together and began to realise how toxic and lethal the current welfare reform system is

Mick then separated these names and added them onto “Calum’s List”. Eventually Mick and IT guru Phil started a separate website: this one, to chronical the names of friends and family. Plus those folk who got in touch with Calum’s List. One of the reasons we list “only 60 to 70″ deaths” is because these are folk known to us. There are probably thousands of welfare reform deaths in the 7 years since Calum’s List went online.

Mick was severely disabled, having had multiple operations on his spine. He was in a lot of pain.

Even so, Mick always had time to help others. We know for a fact that he prevented TWO disabled people from committing suicide.

Mick also helped thousands of people with disabilities through his website help forum…


All in spite of the fact he had pain every hour of every day of his adult life.

However, it wasn’t the chronic pain that killed Mick. It was the Department of Work and Pensions at Washington in Tyne & Wear that killed him. We know this first hand. Several witnesses are still alive to testify to this.

Penine House DWP Jobcentre Washington Highway, Washington, Tyne and Wear, NE37 1LY

Washington DWP Jobcentre. Doesn’t look like a disability death factory.

The overwhelming amount of stress the DWP put Mick under contributed to a massive heart attack.

Those left here know very well what Mick Moore did for his fellow human beings. The embodiment of decency.

Thank you Mick for being a founder of this:




Julia Kelly

39 year old Julia Kelly from Northampton, who was unable to work due to chronic back pain killed herself after the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) threatened to cut off her disability benefits, an inquest heard.



Mark Wood

Mark Wood, from Bampton, Oxfordshire, had his income support stopped in 2013 after he was found fit to work despite having serious mental health issues.

In March 2013, the Department of Work & Pensions admitted its decision was wrong, following new GP evidence. “He was hounded” – Mr Wood’s family has called for a meeting with the disabilities minister Mark Harper, to “further pursue the issues and press for change so other very vulnerable people do not have to suffer in the way Mark did.”



Ben McDonald

Ben McDonald, 34, recently had his benefits cut by the Department for Work and Pensions due to austerity cuts. As a result of this, he found himself facing eviction.

Ben, a father of three children, was subsequently found dead, hanging in fields in Nelson, Lancashire.



Chris Smith

Chris Smith lay in a hospital bed, dying of cancer. He should have been helped by the system, the welfare state which was established to help people like Chris. Instead the Department For Work and Pensions (DWP) the bombarded him with texts telling him he had to apply for jobs, and letters urging him to come to ‘job workshops. Chris had cancer; lung cancer, skin cancer and a cancer that spread to his spine. He was diagnosed in April. Although Chris refused to believe it, he was dying.

As he was dying, Chris, 59, and his partner, Maggie, were embroiled in an unnecessary row with the Department of Work and Pensions.

Chris, a qualified plumber, had been ill. A poorly knee had kept him off work and then he began to feel sick. He was called in by the DWP for for health tests. Government assessors told him he wasn’t ill enough. They deemed him fit for work. His benefits were stopped. Chris didn’t think it was right, but he didn’t complain, either. He started to look for work.

Chris didn’t know it, but he already had cancer. He was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer a few weeks later.

By rights, this is where the story should end. A man with terminal lung cancer should not be ordered to find work. He shouldn’t have his benefits stopped. This is what the Welfare State was created for, the safety net which cares for the sick and the poorly.



Michael Connolly

Father-of-one Michael Connolly, of Station Road, Hendon, took a fatal overdose of prescription medication after becoming increasingly worried about his finances when his benefits were cut by the Department of Work & Pensions, an inquest heard on 14th May 2014.



Martin Hadfield

Demonisation of the disabled and most vulnerable in society is working Mr Duncan-Smith. Your Department of Work & Pensions are doing a deadly job of getting people away from benefits.

Martin Hadfield killed himself out of frustration because he could not find a job, and the fault lies with politicans and employers who make people like Martin feel worthless.

Martin Hadfield, aged just 20 years, killed himself 24 hours after another no-hope interview at his local Jobcentre.

Don’t blame the civil servants who couldn’t offer him work. They don’t have jobs to hand out like bags of sweets. Indeed, many of them are being made redundant.

I blame the cruel, heartless politicians like Iain Duncan-Smith who paint the out-of-work as lazy good-for-nothings. I blame the exploitative employers who cut jobs and drive down wages to boost their profits.



Janet McCall

Terminally ill Janet McCall was declared fit for work by ATOS and the Department of Work and Pensions – five months before she died.

Janet, 53, was assessed by ATOS after she applied for Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Employment Support Allowance (ESA).

At the time, she had pulmonary fibrosis and scarring of the lungs and she was struggling to breathe. A doctor from French firm Atos was sent to Janet’s home in Dennistoun, Glasgow, to assess her fitness to work in the summer of last year.

He deemed her fit to work and her benefits application was declined.

Janet McCall died in January just 5 months after the DWP and ATOS declared her fit-for-work and left her without a basic subsistence allowance..

Janet’s husband Lawrie said: “I knew the seriousness of her condition and so did the doctor yet he reckoned she was fit enough to work. It was disgusting. “He (the ATOS Assessor) was very insensitive. It was plain to see she was unwell because her breathing was laboured.”

“I was very angry. She was in poor health at the time and she deteriorated after that. Subsequently, we appealed against the DLA decison and it was reversed. But the ESA decision was never reversed.”



Peter Duut

Peter Duut was left with 12p a day to live on whilst battling with cancer. His wife Laurel contacted Calum’s List, but there wasn’t much we could do. Peter died soon after. This is where those on our list become more than another searing story of DWP institutionalised depravity.

It was the death of Peter Duut that made us realise it wasn’t just folk committing suicide that was an issue in the Conservative/LibDem/New Labour world of demonising the disabled.

People were actually fighting for their lives – and wanting to live – during which times the DWP headed by Iain Duncan-Smith were finding ever more cruel ways to make death stressful and traumatic. Sick.

After long talks with Peter’s widow, we decided to also include on this list, the many folk who had simply the misfortune to become ill or disabled and die a bad death care of the Department of Work and Persecutions. Not just those who had committed suicide due to alleged culpability by the Department of Work & Pensions.



55. Name Redacted At This Time.

Whilst HM Court rules of sub judice do not yet apply, we are not going to risk any prospective court case by disclosing the last 6 on the current Calum’s List. Another case which is not, at this time, being put forward is that of Stephanie Bottrill. We mention that so as to give an idea of the evidence mounting up for criminal and civil proceedings against the DWP, ATOS, and possibly the new private company assessors acting for the DWP – Calum’s List – Case number “3”.


56. Name Redacted At This Time.

The sub judice caveat is applied to this case too. We are not going to risk prejudicing a nascent court case. Should another DWP Brown Envelope of Destitution & Death arrive and harm another person, then the name behind Case 56 will form part of the prosecution submission.


57. Name Redacted At This Time.

The sub judice caveat is applied to this case too. We are not going to risk prejudicing a nascent court case. Should another DWP Brown Envelope of Destitution & Death arrive and harm another person, then the name behind Case 57 will form part of the prosecution submission.


58. Name Redacted At This Time.

The sub judice caveat is applied to this case too. We are not going to risk prejudicing a nascent court case. Should another DWP Brown Envelope of Destitution & Death arrive and harm another person, then the name behind Case 58 will form part of the prosecution submission.


59. Name Redacted At This Time.

The sub judice caveat is applied to this case too. We are not going to risk prejudicing a nascent court case. Should another DWP Brown Envelope of Destitution & Death arrive and harm another person, then the name behind Case 59 will form part of the prosecution submission.


60. Name Redacted At This Time.

The sub judice caveat is applied to this case too. We are not going to risk prejudicing a nascent court case. Should another DWP Brown Envelope of Destitution & Death arrive and harm another person, then the name behind Case 60 will form part of the prosecution submission.





(Last edit: May 4th 2024)